Ways to Work Together

Our work together will focus around 3 key pillars, understanding you, exploring evidence-backed strategies to support performance, resilience and wellbeing levels and taking positive action.

The practices shared can be utilised within both professional or personal settings. So whether you’re aiming to thrive at work, at home or across both, you will walk away with a toolkit to empower you to get there.

In addition to supporting positive change now, you will gain knowledge and insights to enable you to sustain and evolve your wellbeing efforts beyond our time together.

The Approach

Authentic You

We start by uncovering the strengths and values that make you authentically you. Here you will gain an understanding of the positive traits you excel in and which energise you, the values which are meaningful to you and how to leverage these to enhance performance and wellbeing.

Wellbeing Strategies

Utilising both scientifically-backed approaches and lived experiences, you will identify the areas of opportunity you want to focus on, to improve your holistic wellbeing levels. With an open and curious mindset, together we will explore a range of interventions to support positive change.

Positive Action

Through facilitated self-exploration, you will begin to craft your vision for the future and identify what living your best life and ‘thriving’ looks like to you. You will then assess and design the positive actions needed to move you towards your desired goals and outcomes.


Private Coaching

For those who prefer to engage in a personalised experience, I offer 1:1 coaching with a minimum 5 session term.

If you’re ready to start, click on the ‘Connect with me’ button below.

Group Sessions

For those looking to engage with like-minded others and build their network to support positive change, I offer small group sessions.


In-House Sessions

For those wanting to support their teams, I offer in-house sessions to enable individuals and teams to thrive both professionally and personally.

Looking for another way?

If you have any questions or are looking for another way to support yourself or others to thrive, click on the ‘Connect with Me’ button, providing further information and we’ll explore the best ways to work together.