
Understanding the Science of Wellbeing & Optimal Functioning

During turbulent times the idea of ‘thriving’ may seem out of touch or frivolous, as many of us feel as though we’re striving to simply get by, as we wear the impacts of economic, political, or environmental challenges. Add to this, we were already questioning and re-evaluating what we truly want out of our careers and lives, post pandemic.

Yet, it can be argued that these challenging times is when the science of wellbeing can provide us with a north star, to lead us towards the critical components that contribute towards sustainable happiness, satisfaction in life, and optimal functioning, often referred to as flourishing or thriving.

So, what is the Science of Wellbeing & Thriving?

Let’s start with what it is not. I will use the Science of Wellbeing and Positive Psychology interchangeably, although I prefer the term science of wellbeing, due to how misinterpreted positive psychology can be. To clarify, positive psychology is not about denying or ignoring life’s unpleasant situations and emotions, or telling people they should put on a smile and have a positive outlook. Being optimistic can be helpful, but ‘toxic positivity’ can undermine the impacts of people’s situations and hinder the development of effective coping strategies.

Thriving is not about always performing at peak levels and never experiencing any setbacks. Nor is it focussed on having the biggest bank account or chasing the shiniest baubles and a hedonistic lifestyle. Of course, money has greater importance when you’re seeking to meet basic needs. And baubles can be fun and are often used to mark significant achievements (you might buy yourself a nice treat as a reward for achieving a goal). But holistic, sustainable wellbeing and flourishing looks beyond these markers.

Unlike traditional psychology which concentrates on identifying and treating disorders and returning individuals to ‘typical’ levels of functioning; positive psychology explores the breadth of human experiences and asks the question; how can we support people to unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling and enriched lives?

It aims to nurture optimal levels of functioning and satisfaction, foster resilience and enhance our wellbeing across a variety of domains in our lives including, our relationships, physical and emotional health, personal growth and our search for meaning. To do this, it draws upon research within multiple fields of study including psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and philosophy, to help us leverage untapped potential and bounce back from adversity.

In summary

The science of wellbeing picks up where traditional psychology puts down. It looks beyond addressing deficits and focusses on how to support optimal levels of performance and wellbeing, to support individuals, communities, and organisations to thrive. It provides evidenced based strategies to foster positive emotions, nurture relationships, encourage personal growth and find meaning and purpose, to name a few.

During unpredictable times, embracing the science of wellbeing and thriving can be a light on the horizon, guiding us towards wellbeing, and a sense of control and achievement and a life rich with purpose and joy.


For 4 weeks I tried…